When Grace got off the bus today after school, she proudly told us "I stayed Green!" --which essentially means, she didn't move from green to yellow to red on her behavior chart. Well, when I got home her teacher wrote in her communication notebook that Grace not only pushed a little girl down the slide, but she also kicked her and pulled her hair to boot! Now Grace, either you need to re-learn your colors or are you trying to pull the wool over our eyes? Hmmmmmm......
That aside, Grace was so much fun on our trip to Arizona. In fact, when we were sharing what our favorite thing about our trip was Grandma said that she most enjoyed being around Grace and laughing at her funnies!

Here are a few that made us laugh:
** For two weeks before our trip, Grace asked us no less than 50 times a day "Airplane? Hotel? Swimming?" We got to the point that we just said "Yes!" Then, the day arrived and she kept asking, "Airplane scary?" We tried to reassure her time and time again. So, while we were taking off and during the flight, we could hear her saying to herself, "It's ok, Grace, it's not scary!" Over and over and over.... Poor little honey!
** We took a shuttle from the airport to our hotel. On the way to the hotel, I asked our driver if we could stop at Wal-Mart to pick up some things for our room. After I did some shopping and was returning to the van, the driver hopped out and opened the door for me. (Oh, you should know that he was dressed in a suit & tie and was African American.) As he opened the door, Grace exclaimed "Oh, Hi, Moseby!" (The Hotel Manager from Suite Life of Zach & Cody.) Boy, was my face red!
** Our sleeping arrangements were the boys' room and the girls' room. After a couple of nights, Sam shared that he was not sleeping well because of all the "guttoral noises" going on. I suggested that perhaps he and Grace should switch rooms. Grace piped up, "I not a boy, I a girl!" Not only was she paying attention, but she really knew what was going on. I underestimate her sometimes!
Grace is the epitome of extremes: first she is a handful and then she is a joy. At least she is black and white....no grey for her! Ahh, at least we always know where we stand with her. Perhaps that is the way we should all be.....