We are getting closer to Nathan with each baby step! We have our biometric fingerprinting appointment this coming Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. AND THEN, after that, we wait for the "golden ticket" aka I-171H approval from the US government that says we can adopt internationally. We are hopeful to get this approval soon so that we can travel mid-February to bring Nathan home!
Every now and then, we get additional tidbits about Nathan from the facilitator in his country, such as........
He eats very well
adores sweets.
He does not like toy cars,
likes soft toys.
He does not like noise,
and is afraid of
the toys with high volumes.Doesn't he sound so cute and smooshy? AND, He will fit in just fine with the Burckhard clan if he adores sweets!
Here's another shot of this precious child:

We can't wait to travel! We are trusting God that He will provide the funds necessary to bring him home. We have been humbled and are so grateful to those of you who have given to Nathan's fund. We have been moved to tears! We estimate that we still need to save about $10,000 to fully fund the adoption. We know that God will pave the way....one way or another.
Love, Paula