We've been home five days now, and I don't know who is more bedraggled--me, Bella, or Jake the cat? LOL
Nole's saving grace is that he is a cutie patootie!

Seriously, he is a very busy little guy. But, oh so loveable! Except to poor Jake!
I think Nole thinks that the cat is a toy and that when you pull his tail, you get the coolest "meooooow" (emphasis on OW") sound.

But the dumb cat, keeps sitting by Nole and following him around. He is certainly a glutton for punishment. Or, it could be that any attention is better than none!
Bella is slowly adjusting to this little "bother" (ok, brother). She still gathers up her most valued possessions and keeps an eye on them very closely.

Bella and Nole have played together a bit--but I have to be there to run interference. Nole doesn't realize that Bella outweighs him two to one and that she is being very patient with his pushing, pulling, and stealing her things. Soon, her patience will give way, hmmmmm? Note the space she has placed between them....smart girl!

Praying that they develop a close relationship and that Nole slows down a bit....or I might just wear out! :)