Things are moving right along in our process to adopt "Nathan"!
We received our homestudy draft today and it looks great!
Also today, we went to our friendly neighborhood notary Jean (doesn't everyone have one?) and got notaries on most of our dossier documents.
In North Dakota, you have to get your home study approved by the Department of Human Services. Our home study will be sent there next week for approval.
We will then send our dossier over to Nathan's country (along with 650 Euros) to start the translation process. We don't have to wait for our government's approval to send it over.
In the mean time, we will get a fingerprinting date and then will be in the "waiting" game to get the "golden ticket" aka I-171-H.
Once we get that, we go over to his country and begin the in-country process!
So far, this is faster and a bit more laid back than Ukraine. But time will tell..... :)
Does anyone know how long it is taking to get the I-171-H after sending in your application? Just wondering.....