We are now into our 10 day waiting period that Ukraine mandates for most regions allowing for appeals of adoptions. This could be a long-lost relative, etc. that may want to step forward and appeal the child's adoption. It's highly unlikely, but possible. After the 10 day waiting period, we can pick up the court degree and begin the passport and visa paperwork. We are hoping to come home around August 20th.
Kevin had quite the eventful trip home, but arrived safe and sound last night at 2:30 a.m. It's a story I will have him blog about soon.

So in the mean time, Elizabeth and I are having some great visits with Bella! Yesterday, when she first saw us without Kevin, she said "Papa? Papa? Papa?" over and over. Just between you and me, I think she really likes her Papa and likes pulling his leg about being afraid! LOL
The Orphanage Director came out to visit the three of us playing in a covered area. He handed Bella and Elizabeth each a package of gummy bears candy. Instead of being excited about the candy, she was quite concerned for me and said to the director while pointing at me: "Mama? Mama?" He laughed, held up one finger, said something in Ukrainian, and hurried off. A few minutes later he returned and handed Bella a full-size Korona chocolate bar for me. She happily handed it to me and was content to gobble down her gummy bears!

Dawn & Amanda - Yes, those are her new Preschoolian shoes - she loves them!
Thank you once again for your prayers and support. We also treasure the comments that you post to us on this blog. They are a comfort to know others are traveling this road along with us!
Blessings, Paula