"To bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair." Isaiah 61:3

The Burckhard Family

The Burckhard Family

Thursday, November 11, 2010

An Adoption Funny....

When my sister's five girls found out we were adopting again, they excitedly ran to the computer to see little Nathan's photo.

Then the youngest girl, Natasha, said "And look, he's only $20!"

Wow, wouldn't that be great? In actuality, the $20 she saw on the screen was the amount that was in his adoption fund.

After Karla, my sister, explained this, she said the little girls scrambled around their rooms to collect any money they had to give to Nathan's fund. Isn't that the sweetest?

Nathan will love his Texas cousins!


  1. Hahaha, that is so precious!

    I'm psyched for your family. He is adorable. SO adorable!

  2. oh and is Elizabeth doing NaNoWriMo?

  3. ...which is why we ALL should have the faith and unconditional love like the little children.

  4. So sweet. I wish they were $20 too we wouldn't have to wait to adopt!

  5. Congratulations! Praying for the rest of the money to come in as well so he can come home SOON! God bless!

  6. Wow! Congratulations on your upcoming adoption!! What a handsome little man he is!!!

  7. I am just getting to the computer to read your blogs!! They are so excited about Nathan! We have a little plastic ball filled with the money they found --- we have to mail it to you! :-)

  8. Molly....yes, she is doing NANOWRIMO and just hit 50,000 words a couple days ago. Are you doing it too? Her theme is adoption...not surprised!

    Karla....Love my nieces!
