Each year from November 1st through December 31st, Reece's Rainbow holds its Angel Tree Fundraiser with the ONE purpose: to fund grant awards for waiting children with Down Syndrome from all over the world.
For just a $35 donation, you will receive a beautiful Angel Tree ornament with one of those precious children's photo on it. Just click on the side button with Miriam's picture on it and it will take you directly to the page where you can donate to Miriam's fund. Be sure to say it's for Miriam, please!
Won't you help me raise $1,000 for Miriam? She already has a good-sized grant award, so by adding this to it, it will be even more likely that a family will commit to her. Let's face it, many families would love to adopt one of these angels, but the costs just get in the way.

Your donation will help Miriam to find the best Christmas present of all-- A FAMILY!
Thank you and God bless, Paula & Family